Value Scale Drawing with Pencil
Today we are going to learn how to make a value scale drawing. Learning the proper techniques to create value in art will improve your drawings and artwork. It’s one of the fundamentals, also known as the elements of art.
Art can’t be created without using at least one of these elements. The more you understand and the better you can execute these techniques and concepts, the better your art will be.
But you may be thinking that creating a value scale is boring and a complete waste of time. Learning the fundamentals of art might not always be fun, but you’ll see a huge payout in all of your future works of art. And it will help build your confidence.
And it’s extremely important to learn how to draw value in art if you’re interested in creating graphite drawings.
What is Value in Art
Value in art is how light or dark something is. Value is also one of the 7 elements of art. We use value in our artwork to help show a third dimension, known as form. This helps us represent realism in our drawings.
Learning to create a value scale in art is the exercise that will help you master this art skill. This is how to draw value in your artwork. To create realism in your artwork you’ll need to be able to control how light or dark your pencil makes marks. As well as being able to control the coverage of your pencil.
Learn more about the elements of art in The 7 Elements of Art, made easy.
Benefits of Making a Value Scale in Art
If you want realism is your work, you need to be able to see and recreate value. Creating a value scale is the best way to learn how to do this. This is how to draw value in art and the exercise needed to master it.
Also, it is a great way to learn a new medium. In order to master a new medium you first need to learn how to control it. By creating a value scale, you’ll be forced to learn some basic functionality of that medium.
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Now that you have all the needed supplies gathered up, let’s get started on drawing a value scale.
Value Scale Template
Begin by drawing a grid for your value scale. Using a ruler, make each section roughly 1 inch by 1 inch. I drew mine on a piece of white cardstock, which is what I will typically use for my drawings.
The number of blocks you draw will depend on how many different values you want to have. I’m doing five, which is the minimum you should have on your value scale. You could do less, but it will decrease the benefits of doing this exercise.
You could add more and do seven, nine, or more if you want. The more values you add to your scale, the more difficult it will be. This is because you need more control over using your drawing medium.
You can trace over your lines with a black outlining pen, or just leave them as pencil lines. Another option is to draw your lines lightly and then blend them into your value scale so you have a smooth gradation.

Graphite Value Scale Using One Pencil
Your first section will be left completely white, with no pencil added to it. This will be your lightest value. Therefore your darkest value will be to the far right. And then you’ll have your gray values in the sections in the middle between white and black.
To create your values you can use one pencil, or you can use different pencils with various hardness classifications. Today we are going to use only one pencil. Although you can use any pencil to do this, it’s best to choose something in the mid-range for hardness. I’m using a 2B graphite pencil for my value scale.
We’re going to begin by filling in your darkest value first. This will be done in the section furthest to the right.
Avoid putting heavy pressure on your pencil. Instead, hold your pencil towards the end, away from the lead and making several layers to get to the desired value.

After you have completed your darkest value and are satisfied with how it looks, move onto the middle value on your scale. Try to get smooth, even coverage for each square. This is part of the learning process for this technique.

Drawing the Middle Value (Graphite Value Scale)
Skip one section and begin filling in your middle value. Work in the same way you did with the darkest value, but stop adding layers before it gets too dark.
Keep in mind that you need one more value between the two. This is where learning to see comes in. If you make this section too dark you can use a kneaded eraser to lift some of the graphite from the paper.

Dark Gray Value
Next, fill in the section between your darkest value and your mid value. Work back and forth between values, adding with your pencil and subtracting with your kneaded eraser as necessary to achieve your desired values.

Light Gray Value
Lastly, fill in your light gray section. This will be your lightest value in your scale that you will draw in. How dark you need to make this section will be determined by how dark your middle value is. Keep your lines light and even throughout the entire area of your graphite value scale.

Nobody can teach you how to see the values. You have to be able to see them on your own. This is one of the biggest reasons for drawing a value scale. Art is all about learning to see. And learning to see comes through practice.
It will also take some practice to learn how to get your pencil lines to look smooth. To even out your pencil strokes you’ll have to add more graphite to that area. But the more you add the darker it will get. In order to achieve smooth areas of value you’ll need to use a light touch and it will take a bit of practice to learn how to do this.
How to Draw a Graphite Value Scale – Conclusion
Although drawing a value scale isn’t the most exciting exercise to, it is extremely valuable. Learning to see, and then duplicate a range of values in your artwork, will take practice. After you have gotten comfortable creating different values, try drawing some everyday objects to improve this skill.
Mastering the skill of making a value scale in art will take you further than just about any other technique if you have an interest in creating graphite art. Learning the fundaments is essential to your success as an artist. And will save you from future struggles.
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After you’ve created your first value scale, you could try doing additional ones using a variety of graphite pencils. If you used a 2B pencil for your first value scale, you could try using an HB to see how it differs. You could also try using several pencils.
The goal is to learn how to control how the graphite from the pencil appears on your drawing paper. The more you practice this skill, the better you will get.