Learn to Make Voodoo Doll Drawings
Learning how to draw a voodoo doll is really easy if you break things down into simple shapes and guidelines. In this art tutorial you’ll learn step by step how to draw, outline, and color your voodoo doll drawings with markers.
These are so much fun to draw. And actually pretty easy. But there’s so much you can do with them. As well as a ton of variety you can use when drawing.
Let’s go ahead and get started by gathering up some basic art supplies that we’ll be using today.
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Art Supplies
- Thin black marker
- Paper or cardstock
- Markers
- Pencil
- Click Eraser, Pink Pearl Eraser
- White Gelly Roll pen
Beginner guide to learning to draw
How to Draw a Voodoo Doll Step by Step
Like with most of our drawings we’ll be starting by laying out some basic shapes.
This helps us get our proportions and placement right, before investing too much time.
Step 1: Basic Shapes & Guidelines
Since the head and the body are the main elements of our voodoo doll drawing, we’ll begin there.

Next, add some arms and legs. There are a lot of different shapes you can use for the arms and legs. You can make them long and narrow, or short and fat.
Don’t be afraid to experiment and some different things for you drawing.
Step 2: Add Details
Now comes the fun part… drawing the face and adding in all of the fun little details.

You can start with drawing the eyes since they are the focal point of the face. These can be buttons. They could be thread. Or you could simply make a couple of circles.
And of course there are many other options as well.
When drawing your eyes, you can make them the same size. Or you can make them different sizes. Have fun with it and try out some different things.
This seems like a good time to mention artist trading cards (ATCs). They are a great time saver and what I do most of my drawings on.
You can check out the ATC Tutorial, or get the Free ATC Guide to help get started.
Finish up your rough sketch by adding in some stitching for your doll.
If you’re happy with your voodoo doll sketch move onto outlining your drawing. If not, keep working on your sketch until you like how it looks.
But remember, don’t stress out too much about how it looks. The more you practice the better you will get.
Quantity will result in quality.
Voodoo Doll Outline
You can finish your voodoo doll drawing in many different ways. You can use your pencil to add some shading. Or you can use a medium of your choice to add some color.
I like using markers, so I’ll typically outline my drawings in black using a thin black marker.
Step 3: Make an Outline
My favorite outliners to use are Pitt Artist Pens. I’ve been using them for years and I really do like them.

When drawing your voodoo doll outline you can make your lines all the same weight. Or, you can vary the line weight. This will make your drawing more interesting.
Using a brush pen makes it really easy to vary your lines. But they do take a but of practice to master how to use them. (Something that’s been on my list of things to work on).
You can add some shading with your outlining pen as well. And then use an eraser to clean up your drawing and remove any pencil lines.
How to Draw a Voodoo Doll with Markers
Learning how to draw a voodoo doll with markers is really easy. And there’s only a few things you need to keep in mind when using them.
First, if you want to be able to blend your colors together you need to use alcohol based markers. Bic, Sharpie, and Copic for example. As well as many others.
Second, you need to work while the colors are still wet or they won’t mix together. This isn’t a big deal. Just make sure you work on a section at a time.
Third, you need to use colors that are similar to each other if you want to create a smooth transition of color. If your markers are too different they will leave a harder edge.
There are a lot of different markers to choose from. You’ll have to try them out to see which ones you like best.
You’ll want to get alcohol markers if you want to blend your colors together. I like using Bic markers when possible. They are inexpensive and last a long time. Plus they have a good selection of colors.
Step 4: Add Color
When coloring with markers, be sure to use at least two different colors for each section of your voodoo doll drawing.
Try mixing different colors together to develop your style. There’s really no right or wrong way to do this.

Don’t forget to add a background to your drawing to finish it up.
You can use a white Gelly Roll pen to add some white highlights to your drawing.
Practice and Repetition
The best way to get better at drawing is with practice and repetition. The more you draw, the better you will get.
If you make several voodoo doll drawings you’ll not only improve your drawings, but you’ll also help your creativity. And, you’ll be developing your artistic style.
So as you can see, there are a lot of benefits with repetition.
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Final Thought & Next Steps
Learning how to draw a voodoo doll is easy and fun. Hopefully you feel confident and inspired to make some of your own. When working on your artwork you should feel relaxed and have fun. You should never feel stressed or overwhelmed.
Make sure your creative time is enjoyable.