Drawing Banners for Beginners
Learning how to draw banners is pretty easy and there’s a lot of different uses for them in your artwork. Although they are just simple designs, there’s still a lot of different ways you can draw them to add your own style.
Today we’ll look at a few different ways to draw banners so you can decide which style you like the best.
Let’s get started by looking at some basic art supplies we’ll be using today. And then we’ll move onto the actual banner drawings.
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Art Supplies
- Thin black marker
- Paper or cardstock
- Markers
- Pencil
- Click Eraser, Pink Pearl Eraser
- White Gelly Roll pen
How to a Draw Banners Easy Step by Step
The first banner we are going to draw is the easiest style to create. It’s a little boring compared to the other ones, but it’s great to use for titles in journals or headings.
And it’s a good place to start if you need to warm up a little before moving to the more complicated drawings.
Start by drawing a rectangle.

Next draw two short lines that go from the top corners and angle slightly inward. And then connect that to your rectangle.
Now draw one horizontal line from the top of that piece, and then another one further down. Keep the distance between those two line about the same as the lines for your main rectangle shape.

And then do the same thing for the opposite side.
The final step is to draw the ends for both sides. This can be done by drawing two angled lines that meet at the middle.

Curved Banner Drawing
This next banner is also really easy to draw, but is a bit more interesting. The process will be very similar to how the last banner was drawn.
Start with your main rectangle shape again. But this time draw a slight curve to it.

Then draw two short lines coming down from the bottom of your banner. Next, connect those lines to the bottom corners of your banner shape.

Finish by drawing the two ends. Your lines should go from the short lines you drew at the bottom. And the top part of the ends should start slightly down from the top of your main banner shape.

Keep the distance the same as your main shape. Adding a slight curve to all of your lines will keep your drawing consistent.
Wavy Banner Drawing
The last banner drawing we’re going to look at today is the most complex of the three styles. But the process is pretty much the same so it won’t be too difficult.
Start with your basic banner shape, but this time draw little curls at the ends. Draw one side going up and the other side going down.

Then make the ends wrap around and connect that to the main shape with straight lines, just like we did before.

Next, add the ends of your banner drawing in the same way as we did before. Remember to keep the width the same as the main shape of your banner.

Follow that same process again for the final section of your banner. And add the tips for each end.

How to Draw Banners with Markers
There are a lot of uses for banner drawings in your artwork. They can be used as the focal point of your art. Or they can be used as a placeholder for text.
However you decide to use banners in your artwork, you’ll probably want them to be colored. Let’s look at some different ways you could color your banner drawings.
How you choose to finish your banner drawings, and what you use, will depend on your artistic style. I’m going to show you how I do mine.
Begin my going over your pencil lines with a black pen. Use the same pen to add some shadows and extra details.
When adding color with markers it looks better if you blend two or three colors together to create some depth.
You want to use a lighter and darker color. Or if you’re using three colors a light, mid, and dark value.
Banners are typically a beige color so using brown and tan would work well. Or you could go with some bright colors to see what that looks like.
Your art, your rules. You can do whatever you want. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.
How to Draw Banners Step by Step
Drawing Banners is easy and can add some style to your drawings. They are perfect for holding text and make excellent headers for journal pages.
You could add them to a work of art. Or you could use them as the focal point for your artwork. The possibilities are endless.